Thursday, September 4, 2008


Cat Woman - Caroline and Daddy disappeared into the bathroom tonight and when they came out this is what she looked like. So cute. Maybe she should be a cat for Halloween.
She loves these boots but has a hard time walking in them - especially when she is also trying to brush her teeth at the same time. My little wild child.

Minneapolis - Family Reunion at my counsin Bruce's.

Caroline and her cousin Bo.

Caroline and Bo with my Aunt Maryann.

Bo learning from cousin Bruce.

Running Wild. Daddy chased her around all afternoon. This driveway was very long and she loved running up and down it being chased by anyone who was willing.

With Daddy at the Minneapolis farmers market.

The Tangeman's at the market - my sister Julie, brother in law Tom and nephew Bo.

Caroline at the Splash Pad. This was the hit of the trip. She LOVED this place. We could have left her there all day. She did not even care where I was while she was there. As you can see she is hanging on tight to her cups. A little boy "borrowed" her waterning can and she flipped - she chased him down the park. He was about 6 years old but that sure did not stop her - she was determined to get it back. With a little help from daddy she finally did.

This is so much fun!

Caroline and Bo having so much fun at the Splash Pad.

Mom, I love this place. Can we stay all day?

Wild children jumping in Bo's crib.

Our engagement night - Caroline loved the rose petals

Caroline and her friend Rylie. Rylie is from Kazakhzstan and the girls are about 3 weeks apart in age. We meet them through an Arizona Adoptive Families Group. We really enjoy their company and hope the girls can grow to be life long friends. They can share so much.

Swimming at Rylie's house.

I'm so behind on posting. Here are some pics and updates from the last few weeks. We went to Minneapolis 2 weekends ago to visit family and had a wonderful time. We stayed with my sister Julie, Tom and Bo. We also saw plenty of other family - most of them had never meet Caroline or Junior. It was so great to show off my family. My cousin Bruce and his wife Kari had a small reunion while we were all in town - it was so nice of them to have us all over. They have a new 4 month old baby Finn and he is adorable.
I'll try to get back into posting more regularly. Sorry for the mass post.

1 comment:

Hilary Marquis said...

I LOVE that bikini! She and Anara would get along famously...Nara doesn't let anything or anyone stop her either! She's tiny but tough :)