Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Gabriella's Crib
Gabriella's Crib

Gabriella's room

Gabriella's Room

7 1/2 mths pregnant

Caroline and daddy feeding the ducks

Caroline at the Children's Museum

Gabriella's room is ready for her. It turned out beautiful. Kathy made the curtains and the upholstered border around the room and it is gorgeous. We now feel that it is time to give Caroline's room a makeover - maybe when she transfers to her big girl bed we can make some changes.

We had an ultra sound last week and Gabriella is doing great - she is about 4 pounds. My blood pressure and blood sugars are back to normal so hopefully it will be smooth sailing the next several weeks until she is born. My belly is growing daily so that it pretty uncomfortable but as long as we are both feeling well then it is worth it.

Attached are some pics of Gabriella's new room, a recent picture of my growing belly and a few cute new one's of Caroline.
I'll keep posting over the next several weeks and keep everyone up to date on the pending birth.

The Silverio's

Thursday, January 15, 2009


We just got home from the doctor and much better appointment than last week. My blood pressure is back down and the doctor is very happy with that and my blood sugars. All is good! Gabriella is measuring right where she needs to be. We have an ultrasound next week so will get to see the little one.

Just wanted to pass along the good news. No bed rest for me at this time though I will continue to take it easy to avoid that in the near future.

Junior's mom gets here on Monday so she will be a big help.

Monday, January 12, 2009


I have a funny Caroline story from the weekend. First of all the child is finally sleeping through the night and it is WONDERFUL. She sleeps until between 7 - 8 am and that makes everyone in the Silverio house very happy. Well, Sunday morning around 7:50am I hear her little "mommy" calls so I get up and head to her room. I open the door and pull open the curtains to let some light in and what do I find - a naked little Caroline. She had taken off her pj's and her wet diaper. It was such a shock. She has never done this before and believe me those pj's are not easy to get off. She kindly handed me her wet diaper and then lifted her arms to be picked up out of her crib. I took her to her dad just as I had found her so that he could see what she had done. It was very sweet and it was so cozy to pick up her warm little naked body and have her cuddled next to me. Thankfully I did not find her the same way this morning - I was a little worried that she has found a new game. Hopefully it won't happen often and hopefully I won't find a crib with pee or poo after her diaper has come off. Surprisingly she has not climed out of her crib yet - I am so surprised that she has not. I'm sure that day is coming.

I had a doctor's appointment last Thursday and the results were not so good. My blood pressure is high and the doctor believes I am in the early stages of preeclampsia. This is not good for me or for Gabriella. The only way to get rid of it is to deliver the baby. I'm in my 30th week this week and the doctor would like to get me to 36 weeks before delivering Gabriella. I'm not there yet but I may be looking at bed rest in the near future. I can't imagine this with a 21 month old running our house. We will make it work, I will do whatever I have to to keep me and Gabby healthy and safe until she is ready to come into this world. I have another appointment on Thursday and am checking my blood pressure daily - it has been better the last couple of days. I'm taking it easy and trying to rest as much as I can. Junior's mom was planning to come out on Feb 5th but is ready to come as soon as we need here. I think the date is changing to next Monday Jan 19th. It will be a huge help to have her here 24/7 and she will make sure that I am resting.

We are almost done with Gabriella's room. Dad and Kathy were here all weekend working on the curtains and other parts of the room. We hope to have it finished by next Wednesday and I will post pictures once it is all together. Her bedding is supposed to be in tomorrow. I'm so excited - I love her room.

Here is a cute pic of Caroline with her cousin Kylie this weekend. Caroline loves her new jeep. She has a huge smile on her face whenever she is in it and she loves to drive people around - she feels like such a big girl. The scary thing is that before I know it she will be 16 and this will be real!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Well, my belly is getting bigger and bigger each day - it is amazing. I am starting to feel pretty uncomfortable and daily activites are getting harder and harder. My due date is March 24th but I expect that I will go a little early. I can't imagine getting any bigger than I am now but I'm sure I will in these last couple of months (scary).

Here are some pictures we took over the holidays. Caroline loves to rub lotion on my belly and give her baby sister kisses.

We start our "breathing and birthing" classes tonight and they will continue the next 2 Wednesdays. Before we know it the real thing will be happening.

Gabriella's room is almost done. Her bedding is expected to be in this week and my dad's girlfriend - Grandma Kathy is working on curtains and some other beautiful stuff for her room which should be done this weekend. Once it is all done I will take pictures and post them. Her room is going to be beautiful - I told Junior the other night that I want to move in. Both the girls have such pretty rooms.
I'll keep everyone update on the pending arrival of Gabriella.