Sunday, July 5, 2009


Gabriella sitting in her chair
Caroline climbing the tree and picking fruit

Look at me climb this tree

Happy 4th of July from The Silverio girls

Nonnie & her girls

Tummy time for both of us

Oops, a little spit up from rolling over

I made it over

Hope that everyone had a great 4th of July. We did, we hung out with Nonnie and friends. Junior worked all day Friday and Saturday so we missed spending the holiday with him.

We had a big milestone on the morning of the 4th. Gabriella rolled over for the first time. She has been trying for a few weeks and finally made it over. Rolling from her back to her stomach - she hasn't quite made it back over to her back yet but I'm sure that will come this week. Watch out then - she will be all over the place. This baby pulls at my heart every day - she is such a sweet little thing and I love her so much.

Caroline had fun this weekend - swimming, playing with friends and of course being with her Nonnie. She is talking so much now and putting small sentences together. She says some really cute things. Nonnie was putting her down for a nap on Friday and they were laying together talking. Caroline tooted and that made her laugh and she grabbed her butt and said "my toot butt". Nonnie could not control the laughter. She says funny things every day and I love it. Some things are hard to figure out and of course she will repeat them over and over until I figure out what she is saying.

Gabriella is also a chatter box - the baby babbles non-stop. It is music to my ears. She is such a happy girl.
Enjoy the pics from the weekend.

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