Friday, November 2, 2007


Train park in Austin
Happy Girl

Fell asleep in her swing

Sleeping in her swing

Mommy & her catepillar

Caroline & Lady Bug Meredith

Little Catepillar

Caroline and I went to Austin to visit our dear friends the McMahan's for Halloween. We had a GREAT time. She was so good on the flights to and from and she loved being with the McMahan kids. Here are a few Halloween pictures. She was a catepillar - the costume only lasted about 30 minutes and then she was sick of it. It was pretty big on her and the hat kept falling over her eyes which made her mad. She will probably be the same thing next year since it will likely fit better.

In addition to the Halloween pictures here are some other cute ones.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Your daughter is the cutest catepillar I've ever seen!!