Monday, November 2, 2009


Halloween with Aunt Amy

Little Pumpkin

Daddy & his bumblebee - she was more interested in eating her Halloween candy

Grumpy bumblebee

We had a great Halloween. Caroline was really into it this year - she actually wore her bumblebee costume most of the day. We had a birthday party to go to that afternoon and she wore her costume to the party. I was proud - I was afraid she would not want to put it on.
Nonnie, Aunt Amy & Uncle Brian came over for dinner and trick-or-treating. Our neighborhood has so many kids so it was really fun. We parked our chairs at the bottom of the driveway and just waited for kids. We walked around to about 15 houses and Caroline was very good at the trick-or-treating. She was so cute.

Trying to keep everyone healthy. We all have little colds but doing our best to stay away from the H1N1 virus. A little baby at daycare was diagnosed over the weekend so fingers crossed we are all okay. The grils have one more round of vaccines and then hopefully we will be in the clear. Gabriella's cold is much better today.
Gabriella is pulling herself up to standing on anything she can get ahold of. Yesterday I was folding laundry on the couch and she was on the other side of the living room. She crawled over to me and pulled herself right up to where I was. She is so quick. I bet she will be walking within a few months - Lord help me. Junior was an early walker, she is taking after her daddy - he was 9 months old. I was 14 months old - I know, a little slow. Caroline was also 14 months old.

We are ready for the holidays and enjoying a little cooler weather here in AZ. The Georgeson's are coming from Denver next weekend. We will celebrate Junior's bday and our 1 year wedding anniversary. Wow, what a year!

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