Mmmmm, rootbeer floats
The air shoot at the Children's Museum
Playing in the kitchen at the Children's Museum
The noodle forest at the Children's Museum
Oh, the diaper dance - they ran up and down the hall for 15 minutes laughing and screaming.
Nonnie and her grandkids - she was in heaven.
We have had a great long weekend with Julie and Bo. The kids have had so much fun, including Gabriella. She just giggles and smiles as Bo and Caroline play. She wishes she could get in on the action - next year!
Here are some great pics from the weekend.
They enjoyed the Children's Museum and Nonnie made them rootbeer floats which were a real treat. As Caroline ate hers it pulled at my heart - my little American girl - I'm sure she would never have tasted a rootbeer float in Kyrgyzstan. What a lucky girl she is.