Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Gabriella's Crib
Gabriella's Crib

Gabriella's room

Gabriella's Room

7 1/2 mths pregnant

Caroline and daddy feeding the ducks

Caroline at the Children's Museum

Gabriella's room is ready for her. It turned out beautiful. Kathy made the curtains and the upholstered border around the room and it is gorgeous. We now feel that it is time to give Caroline's room a makeover - maybe when she transfers to her big girl bed we can make some changes.

We had an ultra sound last week and Gabriella is doing great - she is about 4 pounds. My blood pressure and blood sugars are back to normal so hopefully it will be smooth sailing the next several weeks until she is born. My belly is growing daily so that it pretty uncomfortable but as long as we are both feeling well then it is worth it.

Attached are some pics of Gabriella's new room, a recent picture of my growing belly and a few cute new one's of Caroline.
I'll keep posting over the next several weeks and keep everyone up to date on the pending birth.

The Silverio's

1 comment:

Hilary Marquis said...

Her room is beautiful! And just for the one should be that cute when 7.5mo pregnant! Where are the stretch marks?! Maybe I got your share...