Thursday, October 23, 2008


I wanted to post yesterday but I was traveling. Yesterday was Caroline's birthmother's birthday so I have been thinking about her so much. I hope that she is healthy and happy and knows in her heart that the child she gave birth to is safe and couldn't be loved more. I pray that she is at peace with her discussion to place Caroline for adoption - it is the best thing that she did for Caroline and I will forever be greatful to her - she made my dreams come true.

Caroline likes to color so I had her do a picture that we will save and do one each year for her birthmother and maybe someday if we ever make contact I will have these saved to give to her birthmother. We will always honor her on birthdays and special days. We wouldn't be together if it wasn't for her.

Caroline had her 1 1/2 year checkup on Tuesday. She weighs 24lbs 6 oz and is 33 inches long. She is 50th percentile for weight and 75th for height. If she would eat we could increase the weight but the kid is so picky unless it is junk food. Somedays I give in just to get some calories in her. She is a typical toddler. She is right where she should be on development and the doctor sees no delays considering her time in the orphanage. We are so proud of her.

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