Thursday, June 5, 2008


We had the final court hearing today for the readoption in Arizona. I will now get a AZ birth certificate for Caroline that will list me as the mother. Officially all legal matters are now complete. We will continue to do the post adoption visits and reports with the social worker every 6 months for 3 years but legally we are all good. Here are a few pictures from today with me, Caroline and the judge as well as some with mommy and daddy outside the courthouse. Junior will be able to officially adopt Caroline once we have been married for 1 year - we told the judge and county attorney that we will be seeing them again some day :)

I realized this morning that it was one year ago today that I received Caroline as a referral - I received the very first pictures of her a year ago and feel in love immediately. A little ironic that today was the court hearing. What a year!

The other picture is from the grocery store the other night - Junior threw her in an inflatable swimming pool that was full of balls - she had a BLAST. Looks like we need to make a trip to Peter Piper or Chuckee Cheese for her to play in the germ infested balls.

No walking yet - a few steps every few days but not totally walking yet. I can't wait.

Love to all!


Gen 's Family Story said...

Congratulations, Caroline and Gretchen! YEAH!!! And Junior too!

Hilary Marquis said...

Congratulations! So when will the big day be?

Jackie said...

Congratulations to you and your little one :)

Anonymous said...

YIPPEE! Congrats to you guys. We are so happy that this has been such a great you for all of you- in so many ways. Oh- and love the fact C has her shoe in her hand!!