Friday, September 18, 2009


Irie had to have surgery this week on a large mass that literally must have appeared overnight. We noticed it one day last week and it was shocking. After a visit with the vet they pulled some fluid out of it and confirmed that it was not a lipoma (which is typically filled with fat) but instead was someother kind of a mass filled with unknown fluid. They suggested that we have it removed. That was done on Wednesday of this week. She is recovering well and we are waiting on the results of the mass. Prayers are flowing that it is not cancer. I already went through that with Jasper. Irie is not acting sick or like anything hurts her so I am hoping that it is just some sort of growth that has all been removed and she will be fine. She has a very large insision with a lot of stitches and two drains coming out of the insision (GROSS). The drains should be removed on Sunday.

Irie turns 10 years old next month and has been an amazing dog. Junior bought her for me 10 years ago next month. This girl has been with me through a lot of happy and sad times. I love her so much!

Please keep her in your prayers - she has a lot of years ahead of her.

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