Two years ago today Amy and I boarded an early morning flight for our trip to Kyrgyzstan - what an adventure that was. No need to relive the travel part :). I cannot believe it has been 2 years with my Sweet Caroline. Our "Gotcha Day" is October 1st - that is the day I first held her in my arms and we left the orphanage to start our life together. I am so proud of Caroline and the little girl she is becomming - though very challenging at moments she is my sweet baby whom I was meant to mother. This is a special week for us and we will celebrate by taking her to Build a Bear - this will be her first time there and I'm sure she will love it. I will take pictures of her and her new bear and post them later in the week.
A funny Caroline story from the last few weeks. She LOVES the Three Little Pigs story - I myself am so sick of it because I have to read it each and every night. Anyway, she is very worried about the big bad wolf when he falls down the chimney into the pot of boiling water - this really stresses her out. She tells me that she wants to jump in the pigs book and help big bad wolf. She repeats "big bad wolf burn butt". The other day the book was laying on the couch and she opened it to the end where the big bad wolf falls into the hot water and takes her babies (if anyone knows Caroline they know about her little baby blanket dolls - these are her everything) and puts them on that page and says "Here you go big bad wolf." She knows that her babies make everything better so she wanted to share them with the big bad wolf. It was so sweet. She has such a little soft spot in her heart for anyone that is hurt. She is such a little caregiver.
Gabriella had her 6 month check up last week and weighed in at 16lbs 8oz and is 26.25 inches long. She is 50th percentile for both weight and height. The poor little baby has an ear infection in both ears though you would never know because she NEVER complains. I swear she is the best baby I have ever known - she is the sweetest little thing in the world. She is starting to sit up pretty much on her own and is scooting across the floor. Not quite crawling yet but she can certainly get to something if she wants it. I would suspect she will be crawling in the next couple weeks. As sweet as she is she is going to be a handful once she starts crawling. She wants to get into everything. I'm sure the fighting will start once she starts messing with Caroline's things - this should get interesting.
Hope everyone is happy and healthy.
The Silverio's