Well, apparently it is time to start some serious potty training at our house - of course it lands right when we are getting ready to go out of town. Caroline slept a little late this morning and though I thought it was unusual I was so peaceful in bed as Gabriella was still sleeping that I milked it as long as I could. Finally at 8:30am I heard the usual "MOMMY" being screamed at the top of her lungs - she has taken to yelling this until I open her door with my usual "Good morning sunshine" and she then laughs and gathers all her blankets and stuffed animals that she must sleep with and reaches for me to get her out of bed. Well, this morning was another story........
When I went into her room and opened the curtain she was stark naked with her wet diaper in a pile in her bed, her wet pj's on the floor in a wad and her other items strewn throughout her crib. She handed them to me one at a time as said "Wet mommy!" Sure enough everything was "wet" including the bed sheet. Not quite sure how long she had her clothes and diaper off - she was probably up at her normal 7-7:30 but stayed quiet as she undressed and peed in the bed. Of course I couldn't help but smile and cuddle her little naked body (tan lines and all). We immediately got on the big potty but by that time she of course did not have to go.
Later tonight as Junior and I were cooking dinner her she comes again with her wet diaper in her hand bringing it to the kitchen garbage can saying "wet" as she threw it away.
I'm not quite sure how this whole potty training thing works but tomorrow she goes to daycare so we will start on Tuesday. Nonnie is here on Tuesday's so we plan to spend the day in the house with Caroline on the potty most of the day. We have stickers and books all ready to go. I also have Dora panties which may help. She is obsessed (and I mean obsessed) with Dora so maybe if I put the panties on her and tell her not to pee on Dora she will be more interested in the potty chair. We will see. Hopefully it will go smooth and we will have a successful day.
We leave on Thursday for Denver to visit the Georgeson's so the potty training may have to take a little break until we get back. The good thing is that their daughter Cassidy is 3 1/2 and potty trained so maybe she will want to be like Cassidy when we get home and I can use that to entice her.
Wish us luck!
P.S. Gabriella is still my little angel. The last 3 nights she has slept 8 hours straight through which makes mommy very happy. I swear she is the best baby!