We had our 20 week (5 month) ultrasound yesterday and confirmed that it is in fact a girl. Introducing Gabriella Silverio - she is perfect. Well, looks a little scary on these pictures but the doctor and ultrasound tech said she looks perfect. She is about 6 1/2 inches long right now - about the size of a small banana. My due date is now March 24, 2009 which is one day after Grandma's birthday. Maybe my mom and Gabby will share a birthday.
I'm still feeling good though really showing the pregnant belly. I'm glad for that - I don't just feel fat now, I actually feel pregnant and I love it.
The countdown to the wedding is 9 days - we are so very happy with all going on right now.
This blog will eventually become the Silverio Girls blog as the baby arrives and I post pictures of both girls. These little girls will bring us so much love and joy. Thank God for miracles!
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