Saturday, July 26, 2008


Caroline had her MRI on Thursday and all checked out just fine. Aside from her head growth being off the charts - there is nothing wrong. We were confident that they would not find anything but it is reassuring to know that everything is just fine. It still breaks my heart that this is somewhat normal for children who have been in an orphanage once they are properly nurished. Another sign that becomming Caroline's mother was God's plan for me. I wish I could bring all the babies home and take care of them.

They put her to sleep so that she was still for the MRI. It took her awhile to wake up - she was totally out of it. As we were trying to wake her up I was wishing that I hadn't pinned her down the day before to cut her nails - it would have been the perfect opportunity. Once she starting waking up she was very groggy and a little out of it for the rest of the day. Junior was laughing saying she looked drunk - she kept falling when she tried to stand up. By the next day she was back to her wild toddler self.

We are having a relaxing weekend and trying to stay cool. Filled her little pool with water earlier and her and mommy took a little dip though it felt like bath water. Hard to keep anything cool outside in Arizona this time of the year. We have our Seattle trip and Minneapolis trip coming up over the next couple of weekends so it will be nice to get out of the heat.

Bye for now.

1 comment:

Gen 's Family Story said...

What a relief!!! Glad she made it thru. Wish Michael had gotten that effect from his anesthesia, he was wild 2 hours after he got up!