Sunday, June 22, 2008

Caroline Got Her Ears Pierced

Pretty Earrings

We had an exciting day at the mall yesterday. It is 110+ in Phoenix and we had to get out of the house. On such a hot day there is no other place to go than the mall. With a little encouragement from daddy we got Caroline's ears pierced. She did so good. I was about to vomit but we all made it out alive. I had hoped that they could do both ears at the same time but she was a little to squirmy for that. She sat on Junior's lap and he held her while they did them one right after the other. It was like watching a scary movie - I had my hands over my eyes but kept peeking through my fingers. She of course screamed bloody murder and cried after the first one and then the 2nd I don't think she even felt because she was too upset about the first. While I finished the paperwork Junior took her outside the store and walked a little. By the time I caught up to them she was smiling and fine. She looks so pretty - such a big girl.

I can't believe how big she is getting - she is 100% a toddler - no more baby around here. It makes me so sad.

Her big girl status was reinforced this morning at church. When I checked her into the daycare I had to check her in as a walker which advanced her to the next room for toddlers. She had a ball with all the other kids walking around. It made me sad when I picked her up - I am reminded each day how lucky I am to be her mother. She makes me so proud.

Junior and I leave for the Dominican Republic on Friday and will be without Caroline for 8 nights - we are going to miss her so much but we are looking very forward to the trip. She will have a ball with Grandma and Grandpa and Kathy. I'm sure they will have great stories when we get home.

Friday, June 13, 2008

She's Walking!!!!!

Caroline is walking! Monday night Junior and I got her on video walking between the two of us on the living room floor - about 5-6 steps between us and she went back and forth. We are so excited. I had to leave town on Tuesday and just got back home last night and she is getting better and better each day and walking more. Such a huge milestone. We are so proud!

I know that the real fun starts now - she will no longer want me to hold her because she will want to be moving. I will not be able to restrain her in a stroller when we are out anywhere and we will be chasing her all the time. I have flashbacks of my sister Julie at Amy's wedding rehersal dinner - my nephew Bo was all over the place. Julie was not able to eat her dinner or visit with the guests. At that time I had hoped Caroline would have been walking for the wedding but after witnessing Julie chasing Bo I was releived. The time has now come Julie so I can feel your pain.

We'll try to get some walking pictures or video this weekend so that you can all see it for yourself.

We will be celebrating Father's Day with a cookout at Amy & Brian's. Grandpa's first fathers day with Caroline and Junior's first Father's Day. Lots to celebrate.

Have a great weekend everyone.


Thursday, June 5, 2008


We had the final court hearing today for the readoption in Arizona. I will now get a AZ birth certificate for Caroline that will list me as the mother. Officially all legal matters are now complete. We will continue to do the post adoption visits and reports with the social worker every 6 months for 3 years but legally we are all good. Here are a few pictures from today with me, Caroline and the judge as well as some with mommy and daddy outside the courthouse. Junior will be able to officially adopt Caroline once we have been married for 1 year - we told the judge and county attorney that we will be seeing them again some day :)

I realized this morning that it was one year ago today that I received Caroline as a referral - I received the very first pictures of her a year ago and feel in love immediately. A little ironic that today was the court hearing. What a year!

The other picture is from the grocery store the other night - Junior threw her in an inflatable swimming pool that was full of balls - she had a BLAST. Looks like we need to make a trip to Peter Piper or Chuckee Cheese for her to play in the germ infested balls.

No walking yet - a few steps every few days but not totally walking yet. I can't wait.

Love to all!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Caroline Started Gymnastics

Having Fun
Climbing with mommy

This is so much fun

Catch me daddy

I love this
Look at me

Caroline started gymnastics on Saturday morning at a place called Little Gym. It was so much fun! She loves to climb and is quite the daredevil so we decided gymnastics might be a good thing. She will go for 10 weeks and it will be great to see her develop. By the end she should be able to do a summersault (or be able to climb the walls at home - hopefully not)!

This is a big week for us. Thursday, June 5th is the court hearing here in AZ to finalize the adoption in the US. She will then get a US birth certificate and everything will be complete except for the continued home visits which will last for 3 years. It has been a long journey but worth every step. I love her more and more each day, I'd do it all again to bring her home. I will post pictures from Thursday, everyone will be there, Amy & Brian, Grandma and Grandpa - it is a big deal!
Love to all!