Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Wanted to let everyone know that I am still waiting to find out when I will travel to get Caroline. I received a bit of potential bad news over the weekend but am praying that it will not effect me. Kyrgyzstan is changing their trip requirements and are now requiring 2 trips for families - 5 day initial trip to meet and spend time with the baby, then they will set a court date and then back for 10-12 days to finalize the adoption and bring the baby home. I don't know yet if this will apply to me since I have already accepted a referral but I have a feeling that it will. I am anxiously awaiting to hear. This sucks for many reason but I will do whatever it takes to bring Caroline home. Send some prayers my way that I will be grandfathered into the former 1 trip requirement.

I'll keep you posted.

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