Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

She loved this hammock. Aunt Amy was guarding the other side because she was WILD while on this thing!

Hope everyone had a nice long holiday weekend. We did! Junior is finally here - got here on my birthday which made it the best birthday EVER! We have settled in and it is so great having him here. The extra help with Caroline is wonderful. We went grocery shopping on Monday and that was so much easier than usual - it's the little things that count. He is so good with her and she loves him.

Caroline is doing great. She took 5 steps one night last week but hasn't walked since. She is able to walk around the whole house as long as she is holding on to something but is yet to do it on her own except for the 5 steps she took from Grandma to mommy. We continue to practice. It is bittersweet - I want her to walk but then again know that her independence is going to increase as soon as she can walk on her own. She is already Miss Independent!

Not too much going on for us the next month. Junior and I are taking a trip to the Dominican Republic at the end of June through the 4th of July. We are very much looking forward to that. Caroline will share time between Grandma and Grandpa. We will miss her terribly but it will be a great trip. Junior has a lot of family there but we are debating whether or not to let them know we are coming - he says that if we go see them we will never be able to leave. We plan to take a day to visit his dad's gravesite there which will be very nice and emotional I'm sure.

Love to everyone!


Friday, May 16, 2008

Miscellanous Updates

Caroline in her kitchen
Again, in her kitchen

Bo & Caroline cooking breakfast for their mommy's

Caroline & Aunt Julie

Amy and her posse

Everyone had a WONDERFUL time last weekend at Amy & Brian's wedding. The happy couple were beautiful. Everything went so well. I am so happy for Amy and couldn't be happier to have Brian as my brother in law. The bad news is I was so busy running around during the wedding that I did not take any pictures. I'm waiting to be emailed pictures from those who took them and will post some as soon as I receive them.

Julie and Bo came in from Minneapolis for the wedding. Caroline and Bo had a great weekend together. They played non-stop and they were both very good (considering they are toddlers and don't really like to sit still). I had been hoping that Caroline would be walking by the wedding but was relieved when I had to witness my sister Julie chasing after Bo all weekend. She was worn out when they went home. Bo had a fall at the wedding and hit his head and had a large bump. He is doing fine and it looked much better than we anticipated the next day. Those days are right ahead of me as Caroline is so close to walking - she is now standing for 10+ seconds all by herself and is walking behind her walker that Amy and Brian got for her for her birthday. She continues to amaze me everyday.

Junior's big move is next weekend and we are so excited. I can't wait to have my whole family together and am looking forward to the help that I know he will give. He loves Caroline and will be wonderful with her. We both can't wait for him to be here - I've been waiting for this for 7+ years :). Crazy how life works out. I'm so thankful for my faith and patience. It has gotten me through a lot and now all of my dreams are coming true - the love of my life and my beautiful child. I couldn't be happier.

As you can see from the pictures Caroline absolutely loves her kitchen - she will play in there for an hour and totally entertain herself. This will make Junior happy as he loves to cook and has visions of teaching her to cook.

Love to all - will post again soon.