Friday, October 1, 2010


My Dear Caroline,

3 years ago today I first held you in my arms and my world changed. You are the beginning of my dreams come true and you have filled my heart with love. We are so proud to be your parents. Each day you bring new joy and new challenges. You keep us on our toes but you have taught us so much about love and patience. You are an amazing child and we thank God every day to be blessed with you as our daughter. I also thank your birthmother for making this such a special day for us - she had the love and strength to know that by giving you for adoption your life would be better than what she could provide. I know in my heart that she loves you and misses you every day but I thank her with all my heart as I know God's plan was for me to be your mother.

We love you so very much.

Mom & Dad

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