Thursday, July 23, 2009


Gabriella had her 4 month doctor's appointment on Tuesday which included heartrenching shots. Oh, how I hate that. She goes from looking in my eyes to a huge frown to crying. All the while keeping her eyes locked with mine thinking mom why are you letting them do this. I'm sure every mother feels the exact same way that I do. My poor little baby. Then they put the huge bandaids on her chubby little legs and I am reminded of the event until those fall off.

She checked out great. Weighed 14lbs 8oz and is 24.5 inches long. At birth she was 8lbs 1oz / 19.5 inches long so she is certainly growing. They think she is pretty cute there at the doctor's office. I have to agree.

Aunt Julie and Cousin Bo are getting in town today and staying until Tuesday. We are very excited. It will be so much fun. Caroline has been saying "BoBo my house" for weeks now. She will be so happy that he is finally here. Those two will have a blast. Too bad it is over 100 here so our activities will be limited to inside but we will find plenty to do. I made a trip to Michael's yesterday and bought a bunch of stuff for art projects for Caroline and Bo.

I'll be sure to post pictures from the weekend after they leave on Tuesday.


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