Friday, July 18, 2008


Caroline was 15 months old yesterday - we have been together 9 1/2 months - boy how time flies. She had her 15 month check up and got 3 more shots - OUCH! The doctor is very pleased with her development and growth. She was 22lbs 8oz and 31 3/4 inches. 90th percentile for height and 50th percentile for weight - she is perfect which of course mommy already knew :).

The doctor did have some concerns about her rapid head growth. He has watched this on all of our visits but yesterday it was off the charts. He has stated that this is typical with children from orphanages. Once they are properly nurished there head begins to grow substancially (so sad). Because she was off the charts yesterday he is suggesting that we have an MRI done just to make sure that everything is okay. He is sure that it is nothing but considering I don't have any family medical history we would rather be safe than sorry. The MRI is not what bothers me, the part that bothers me is that they will have to put her to sleep to do the MRI so that she will be still. I don't like the thought of her being put to sleep. I'm waiting on a call from the specialist so that we can get is scheduled. Junior will take the day off work so that we can both be there. No great cause for concern just scary for any parent.

Other than that all is great here. I need to take some new pictures this weekend. We are going to our friends the Tennan's to hang out with them on Sunday - they are the parents of Caroline's friend Rylie who was adopted from Kazakhzstan. The girls have not seen eachother for awhile so I'm sure they will have a blast - both of them are walking and into everything. I'll get some good pics.



Hilary Marquis said...


I know it is scary having to have Caroline put out for the MRI. I felt the same way about having Anara's tubes done. It will all be fine, the doctors know what they are doing and they will give her the best care possible. Hang in there. Let me know the date, and we'll be praying for her :)


Gen 's Family Story said...

I'm with you too about putting out your child. I was so worried with Michael when he got his circumcision, but he did fine and woke up in my arms!!! They do this alot, so we'll pray with you that all will go well!
Also, exciting news for you! I told G that at the picnic and she was thrilled for you!